Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Aries (March 21-April 20)
Career: Fashion designers and interior decorators trying to establish their own business may have to try hard to arrange the required finances. Students preparing for exams can improve their preparation by joining tutorials.
Social Life: A good break with friends will bring cheer and excitement.

Leo (July 23- August 23)
Career: If yiu are trying to establish a business an assiciate will be an instrument in getting you a lucky break. Creative Writers will have a good time. A change of focus might help those who are not very happy with their present jobs.
Social Life: It´s time to relax and unwind if you have been working too hard.

Sagitarius (Nov. 23- Dec. 21)
Career: Guard against being overconfident if appearing for an interview this week. There will be more interview calls than usual, but actually landing a job will take some time. Teachers can look forward to a raise or promotion very soon.
Social Life: Don't lose heart as better things are around the corner.

Taurus: (April 21- May 21)
Career: It's a tough time for final year medical students, as too much involvement in clinical work will leave little time to prepare for exams. And unless you follow a strict schedule it will not be possible to prepare satisfactorily.
Social Life: It's one of the weeks when you should be getting on well with most people.

Virgo: ( Aug. 24- Sept. 22)
Career: Your stars suggest slow progress on the professional front. Engineers looking for better placements may not be happy with the job offer they are getting. Efforts to change will be fruitful only after August.
Social Life: The 16th promises an interesting meeting.

Capricorn: (Dec. 22- Jan 20)
Career: This week is favourable for all, but exceptional for those pursuing research work in literature and history.
Social Life: You will be able to relax and recharge your energies. The 14th is a good day for meeting people.

Gemini: (May 22- June 21)
Career: Those on the look out for a new job need introspection and serious thinking of their career objectives. Reinitiating work on a project, which was shelved, will be possible.
Social Life: Travel is very much on the cards for those of you in search of new horizons.

Libra: (Sep. 23- Oct 23)
Career: Computer professionals may feel a bit dejected with the present job. However, some unexpected changes at the work place will help them adjust better and feel motivated.
Social Life: You should avoid diversions. Ignoring less important commitments will help you to become more focussed.

Aquarius: (Jan 21- Feb. 18)
Career: Generally it's a good phase for students under this sign. The time is also good for those studying to qualify for a competitive exam to enter a government job.
Social Life: Take it easy and avoid crucial decisions this week.

Cancer: (June 22- July 22)
Career: If things are not moving the way you expected in the present job, it's high time you started searching for a better placement. Professional placement agencies can prove to be very helpful. However, good news awaits students who have been trying to seek admission to foreign universities.
Social Life: You should consider taking some time of.

Scorpio: (Oct 24- Nov 22)
Career: Opportunity to exhibit hidden skills will show up for architecta and interior designers. Reward and recognition is strongly on the cards. But it's high time you also prepared to face the competition in your field.
Social Life: It should be an enjoyable and productive week, both in your worl and in your relationships.

Pisces: (Feb. 19- March 20)
Career: Interviews and efforts to find a suitable job will keep you very busy. Admission to foreign universities for further studies will be possible. However, chartered accountants need to be extra careful in their profession. Slow and steady progress will prove to br satisfying.
Social Life: Double check anything important this week. Don't let problems of study or work hold you back

in On_Line Reloaded (11th form)

For questions 1-16, write the name of the correct star sign.Some of the signs may be chosen more than once.

Which sign:
1. encourages students to improve their exam preparation?
2. advises job applicants to adopt a low profile?
3. warns students of difficulties with exams?
4. predicts favourable conditions for people in the writing profession?
5. advises people to search for a better job?
6. warns that some professionals are likely to feel disapointed at the job
opportunities they are given?
7. encourages people to devote more time to friends?
8. predicts a favourable time for people interested in improving their skills?
9. advises people to think seriously about their career goals?
10. invites students to take some time off?
11. predicts a possible increase of salary for educational professionals?
12. advises business people to improve their public relations?
13. states students have good chances of entering Universities abroad?
14. advises people to concentrate on what is important?
15. challenges people to be competitive?
16. advises accountants to take some precautions?

TASK 2 -

Complete the following interview with someone who is very sceptical about astrology.

1. ________________________________________________________________________?
No, I don't. It's all a load of supersticious nonsense.

2. ________________________________________________________________________?
Of course not. There is no solid fact in the astrological field. Statistics are

3. ________________________________________________________________________?
Everydody does. They contain information about people's characteristics, their
lives and destinies.

4. ________________________________________________________________________?
I'm a Scorpio.


Do you believe in astrology? Do you usualy read your horoscope?

Monday, April 9, 2007

Back into Love Lyrics/ Letra de Back into Love

I've been .......... with a shadow overhead
I've been .......... with a cloud above my bed
I've been .......... for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to ..........

I've been ........... all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever ..... em again someday
I've been ........ aside time
To clear a little space in the .......... of my mind

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't ........................... without a way back into love
Oh oh oh

I've been .......... but the .......... refuse to shine
I've been ........... but I just don't see the ..........
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my ........ somewhere

TASK 1 -
a- Fill in the blanks with the missing words.(Completa os espaços)
b- Identify the verb form by choosing the best option:(Identifica a forma verbal)
1- Present Continuous
2- Present Perfect
3- Present Perfect Continuous
a- Organize the lyrics in the right sequence.(Organiza a letra com a sequência correcta)

I could use some direction
Not just somebody just to get me through the night
I've been looking from someone to shed some light
And I'm open to your suggestions
And if I open my heart again
I can't make it through without a way back into love
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end

a- Do they actually say the words in BOLD ? (Dizem mesmo as palavras em maiúsculas?)

There are moments when I don't know if it's CLEAR
Or if anybody feels the DAY I feel
Not just another OPERATION

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my ART to you
I'm hoping you'll TELL me what to do
And if you help me to BEGIN again
You know that I'll be there for you in the BAND


I went to the movies and I saw

The film is about a famous Pop Star of the 80's.After going through a difficult period (he didn't sell many copies of his solo album )Alex Fletcher wants to be famous again and is offered the chance to compose a new song to be sung by Cora Corman, a famous singer.
He can write the music, but he desperately needs to find a good lyricist. He accidentaly meets Sophie Fisher ,the girl who waters his plants ,and who is also a talented lyricist. She writes the words and...of course, they fall in love.
If you want to know more about this film click the link on the right and watch the movie trailer.

You can also listen to the song "Back into Love"(the link's there too) and complete the tasks on it.

Actividades para alunos

Os alunos do 11º ano, turma C, e 1º ano dos Cursos Profissionais, turmas G e H, da Escola Secundária Poeta Al Berto em Sines,são especialmente bem-vindos a este espaço que foi criado para comunicar com eles.
Aqui poderão encontrar informações sobre filmes, música, passatempos e assuntos de interesse na actualidade.
Pretende-se que comentem, sugiram e dêem opinião sobre os temas que aqui se abordam.
Os materiais são Ingleses e espero que isso os motive a participar também nesta língua. As participações em Português também serão bem vindas, claro.
As actividades estão organizadas por anos de escolaridade para facilitar a pesquisa dos alunos, mas esse facto não impede que os alunos dos outros anos dêem também uma espreitadela.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Olá a todos!
Primeiro que tudo a justificação para o título do blog. Sou uma das três professoras de Inglês que se orgulham de partilhar o apelido. Para elas ( a C. e a N. ) vai um beijinho muito especial e o desafio para participarem com comentários e ideias.
Este blog está a ser desenvolvido no âmbito de uma Acção de Formação sobre "A Utilização das TIC no Processo Ensino / Aprendizagem" da responsabilidade do Centro de Formação Contínua de Professores de Santiago do Cacém, Sines e Grândola . O objectivo deste trabalho é desenvolver materiais de trabalho on-line para utilizar com os alunos das turmas que lecciono.
Pretende-se que este espaço seja não apenas um local de interacções educativas, mas tam bém um pretexto para trocar opiniões e experiências com os alunos.
Um bom trabalho e muita criatividade no nosso trabalho